Research Profile

Whether high resolution laser spectroscopy, catalysis, electrochemical sciences, bio- molecular chemistry, bioinorganic, inorganic or organic chemistry, solvation science, molecular simulationsor chemistry specialised didactics:
With their research topics members of the GSCB cover a broad spectrum of modern-day chemistry, from the design and characterisation of molecular structures to new materials and life sciences.

Analytical Chemistry

Analytical chemistry work groups are in particular specialised in the fields of electrochemistry, electronanalysis and sensors, electrocatalysis and molecular nanostructures. For further information visit the web page of the department and the Center for Electrochemical Sciences (CES).

Industrial Chemistry

The groups at the chair for industrial chemistry work in a range of catalysis-related research fields as heterogenous catalysis, synthesis and preparation of new catalytically active materials and electrocatalysis. For further information see the web page of the department.

Inorganic Chemistry


The two chairs and the associated work groups in biochemistry are specialised on rezeptor, membran and cell biochemistry, and biomolecular spectroscopy. For further information see check the group web pages.



The EPR spectrocopy group studies proteins' conformational changes and dynamic interplay of biomacromolecules in model membranes and in organelles by means of site-directed spin labelling electron paramagnetic resonance. You find further information on the group webpage.

Organic Chemistry

The two chairs and associated work groups in organic chemistry cover a variety of research fields ranging from supramolecular and organometallic chemistry, organic synthesis, to physical organic chemistry and spectroscopy. For further details check the group web pages.

Physical Chemistry

Theoretical Chemistry


The Cluster of Excellence RESOLV focuses on solvation sciences and in particular at an in-depth unterstanding of solvation at a fundamental level chemistry, physics and engineering to enable major advances in key technologies. For further information see the RESOLV web page. Several members of RESOLV cooperate with the Graduate School of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Max-Planck Institutes
