International Master Program "Molecular Sciences - Spectroscopy and Simulation"
Master of Science
iMOS is a research-oriented, interdisciplinary Master's program held in English. The program focuses on the molecular understanding of chemical and biochemical processes with a focus on modern laser spectroscopy and microscopy, computer simulation, and quantum chemistry. We welcome you to learn more!
Application is now open!
The Application session for the next iMOS Class, starting in the Winter Semester 2025 is NOW OPEN December 2024 - June 15, 2025. Please first review the Application section below and Apply Here.
- Regelstudienzeit:
- 4 Semester
- Studienbeginn:
- Wintersemester
- Art des Studiums:
- Grundständig
- Hauptunterrichtssprache:
- Englisch
- Zulassung
- Zulassungsfrei
Umfang 120 CP* (Vollzeit)
45 CP
Vorlesung und Übung
45 CP
30 CP
Curriculum and Regulations
Students undertake research studies in the areas of physical and theoretical chemistry and join us with a sound foundation in classical & quantum mechanics, mathematics, physics and spectroscopy. The first two semesters consist of lectures taught by instructors in divisions of the Faculties of Chemistry and Biochemistry: ThC, PC, OC, TeC, AC, BPC; and Physics, as well as the research consortia RESOLV, ICAMS and PPT.
The Module Handbook - 2024 contains detailed curriculum information for current and perspective students, including a 'how-to' navigate the program. Enrolled students can visit the Molecular Sciences - Spectroscopy and Simulation Moodle page for support, where interested students at RUB are also welcome to join. The program is guided by the Examination Regulations (EN) (2023), Prüfungsordnung (AB-1305), (AB-999), and (AB-1647) in 2024. Please note, the German versions are binding.
Mandatory Lectures
Elective Lectures
International Course & Focal Point Practical
During the second year, students focus on specific projects both locally and abroad. A 10-week practical in a local research group of your choice will give you exposure to innovative research in the Ruhr area. The three-month international course will take you to a research group in a globally leading academic institution.

Students may formulate a spectroscopy and/or simulation focused Focal Point Project and Master's Thesis from these and other faculty members.
As an integral part of the curriculum, iMOS students carry out a research project at one of the top institutions in the field of molecular sciences and simulation. This special feature is a part of our leadership training program for future leaders in science and industry. The next generation will undoubtedly need those that have learned to work effectively and successfully in international, multicultural, and interdisciplinary teams.
- Scholarship applications for short exchanges are available through the International Office at RUB: Study Abroad Financing Promos / LabExchange / Erasmus+
- RESOLV Blog Post
- Module Description
Research Topics
Our students have investigated a wide range of (bio)chemical systems ranging from the "assignment of tunneling motions in small water clusters" at UC Berkeley to "single-point analysis on selected frames of a CPMD trajectory file and developing Ab-initio based potentials for ions using dipoles and force fitting procedures" at ENS Paris.
Recently at the Aarhus University Department of Chemistry, our student explains her ongoing project: "The plan was to acquire sum frequency generation (SFG) measurements of protein at air/ water interface. SFG is a surface-specific method and we can get characteristics and dynamics of our sample at different interfaces. This project aims to study and investigate the aggregation of amyloidogenic proteins at membranes which is responsible for neurodegenerative diseases."
Another student's research project with collaborators at the Technical University Denmark (DTU) was on the "calculation of birefringence and dichroism effects induced by external and/or internal sources of magnetic field in chiral and achiral molecules using molecular and electronic structure software. This included the development of scripts and subroutines to automate the calculation of orientational averages and spectra simulation."
With a change of scenery to refresh the mind and a vibrant exchange of ideas, the research internship is an integral part of the iMOS curriculum.
- Module Handbook
- Examination Regulations - English (2023)
- Prüfungsordnung AB-1305
- Prüfungsordnung AB-999
- AB - 1647 (2024 amendments to Section 14)
Students should refer to the Module Handbook for planning their curriculum. Updated modules 2, 11, and 12 are listed there and kept current on this main website & Moodle page. Rules are provided by the Examination Regulations, with the original Module titles (AB-1305). Please note, the German Prüfungsordnung is the binding version.
Please inquire with the iMOS Office for updating curriculum descriptions, thank you!

For Admitted and Enrolled iMOS Students and prospective students enrolled at RUB. Course and Event notifications are emailed out about once a month, and detailed information on curriculum, support for international students at RUB, choosing an international research location, alumni tips, scholarship hints are included.
Exams - Students must schedule and sign up for their examinations directly with the lecturers in charge of each module. Please note, most exam dates are not required to be posted publicly. The Prüfungsamt / Examination office handles the filing of grades and regulations for failed exams. See contacts below for more information.
The textbooks listed are suggested by graduates of the iMOS program. Additional recommendations are provided by the lecturers or in the Module descriptions. For advanced reading, you may be interested in the resources listed by our Theoretical Chemists.
Author |
Title |
McQuarrie | Statistical Mechanics | 978-81-309-1893-8 |
Boyd | Nonlinear Optics | 978-81-312-2292-8 |
Hollas | Modern Spectroscopy | 978-0-470-84416-8(P/B) 978-0-470-84415-1(H/B) |
Sakurai | Modern Quantum Mechanics | 0-201-53929-2 |
Tuckerman | Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Molecular Simulation |
978-0-19-852526-4 |
Marx & Hutter |
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics | 978-1-107-66353-4(P/B) 978-0-521-89863-8(H/B) |
Gaskell | Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials |
978-1439851500 |
Garrod | Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics |
978-0195085235 download from: |
Germany is a world leader in applied optical technologies, chemistry and pharmacology. For an overview, a sampling of professional organizations and terms is listed below. RUB Career Service offers a range of courses to prepare you for the job market.

- RUB Career Services
- The German Research Landscape - Federal Ministry of Education and Research
- JungChemikerForum
- Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)
- IEEE Photonics Society
- Berufsbilder in der Chemie / Chemie - Jobs mit Zukunft
- EURAXESS: Researchers in Motion
- Ruhr Explores Solvation Research (RESOLV) Students are invited to many networking and seminar events at the Cluster of Excellence

Statements from Industry
Eduard Schreiner (BASF - The Chemical Company): "Proper
preparation, interdisciplinary curriculum for a profound understanding
of the theoretical and practical aspects of modern molecular modeling,
working within a network of top universities in the world and commitment
are the ingredients for success in academia and industry. IMOS offers
all of these ingredients by integrating the knowledge, the experience
and social networks of generations of researchers."
Nikolaj Otte (Henkel):
"Molecular Simulation allows me to contribute to applied research by
providing a different angle of view than the traditional chemical
disciplines. At the same time it provides me with the flexibility to
study a large variety of chemically distinct and complex problems, from
the reactions of small molecules to enzymatic catalysis and from
polymerization kinetics to the properties of materials."
Statements from Science
Alexander Witt (postdoc at Stanford University): "Despite
sharing many fundamental principles, traditionally Chemistry and
Physics classes are normally taught separately. The iMOS program is
unique in the way that it brings together students from different fields
to learn, and fosters connections between different research areas.
This quite unique program prepares students for cutting edge research
which is increasing interdisciplinary and sits at the interface between
traditional fields."
Benjamin Born (postdoc at Weizmann Institute of Science):"It
is exciting to see a new generation of solvation scientists emerging.
The well-established combination of a task-specific lecture series and
hands-on research experience in Bochum and in selected labs abroad will
be beneficial to the personal and scientific development of students of
the iMOS program."
Admission & Requirements
This highly competitive program relies on your skills in quantum mechanics, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Basic knowledge of classical mechanics and thermodynamics / statistical mechanics is required. The program is tailored for students of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biochemistry and related Engineering fields with a passion for science and wish to work in an international environment.
Required credits and prerequisite knowledge:
10 CP in Mathematics
8 CP in Theoretical Chemistry, Spectroscopic Techniques, Quantum Mechanics and / or equivalent topics
Mathematics themes - real & complex valued vector spaces, partial differentiation
Quantum Mechanics - particle wave dualism, operators, solutions to simple QM problems
General Physics and Spectroscopy - statistical mechanics, optics, analysis of molecular spectra
Concepts of Physical Organic Chemistry - chemical bond theory, functional groups / reaction mechanisms / basic chemistry of reactive intermediates
The course curriculum is designed to be accessible for students who have completed their undergraduate chemistry degree at RUB and elsewhere. Compatible degrees, containing the prerequisites above, may include:
Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology/Biochemistry, a related Engineering field
Students who apply for the Master of Science program must have a Bachelor (or comparable) degree in one of the following:
a related engineering field
Comparable specialized course and Biology/Biochemistry degree holders are encouraged to apply if they fulfill the other requirements.
Grade equivalencies vary depending on where you come from and there is no absolute cut-off. You may include your university grading scale in your application, including degree distinction notes.
to the German rating system (where 1.0 is the best and 4.0 is the
lowest grade), you should have an average of at least 2.0. For foreign equivalencies, the
following rules of thumb can be applied:
- In GPA-ratings (maximum grade 4.0, minimum grade to pass 2.0) you need at least an average of 3.0
- In percentage-ratings (100% maximum, minimum grade to pass 40%), you need at least 70%
- If your degree includes ratings like “first division”, “first division with distinction” etc., you should have at least earned one of the two best ratings.
For Enrollment at RUB, the university may rely on the Anabin
database. Prospective students can search for their institutions here. Usually, degrees/universities will be recognized if
- The university from which you earned your degree is one of the top-ranking universities in your country
- There are both three-year and four-year Bachelor programs offered in your home country.
- Students from India, China, Vietnam, and/or Mongolia must have their foreign educational documents evaluated in their home country for authenticity through the Akademische Prüfstelle, APS. Please plan ahead, this may take several months or a year.
The language of course instruction is English.
Applicants must fulfill one of the following:
- Completion of your first degree program in English (this means that ALL lectures must have been held in English)
- TOEFL - minimum score paper-based 600, computer-based 250,
internet-based 100; the TOEFL score must not be older than two years and
mailed to us directly from the Educational Testing Service (ETS).
- The iMOS Program TOEFL "Institution Code" is 7657. Note: this code is ONLY for the iMOS Program. If applying to other programs at RUB, the scores will not be visible to them.
- IELTS: minimum score 6.0; the IELTS score must be mailed to us directly
from ETS.
- Hardcopies only. We do not have access to the British Council / IELTS online verification system. The post-mailing address is below and on the application.
- If you have an Abitur from a German institution / Gymnasium, this may be accepted. Other German university language tests may be accepted, please contact the iMOS Office for more information.
German language skills are NOT required for admission to the program. Ruhr-Universität Bochum does offer free German language courses for enrolled students at RUB.
Application Process
Admissions is open 1. December - 15. June every year for an October start date by completing the PDF as instructed below. Note: This program is "Zulassungsfrei, Bewerbung bei der Fakultät", meaning open admissions with the Faculty's own admission process.
Application 1 Forms may be downloaded and submitted here.
This process is different from the other Chemistry and Biochemistry programs, and application documents are NOT shared. You will NOT find our program listed on the RUB Application Portal / Das neue RUB - Bewerbungsportal.
- Competitive stipends for the preparatory year of coursework are available for iGSS Track II PhD student seeking Doctoral Research in Solvation Science. In these cases, please apply before May 15, and contact the iMOS or iGSS Offices.
- PhD Studies: integrated Graduate School Solvation Science
- Students at RUB, TUD, and DUE: applicants use the same admission process; please contact us with questions / concerns regarding your timeline of studies.
Please download and complete the Application 1 file (linked above ONLY December - 15. June). Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible.
Receipt of this file by the iMOS Office is the 15. June deadline. No further Application 1 files or edits will be accepted after promptly 8:00 AM June 16 / Berlin time. Applicants will be contacted by June 19 at the latest. If you are Step 1 approved, final applications (Step 2) should be submitted as soon as possible.
- Submit your signed PDF "Application - 1_FirstName_LastName" by upload to our Application portal (preferred), by email, or by post-mail.
- Upon receipt of your "Application - 1_FirstName_LastName", an email will be sent to confirm the application is complete or incomplete within one week.
- Please, one file only and DO NOT attach or send supplementary information or other files, they will be deleted.
- Only completed Application - 1 forms will be reviewed by the admission committee. You will be notified by email of your -Application 1 approved- status if the committee decides that you have fulfilled the essential requirements. You will then be requested to submit supporting and certified documents as detailed in Step 2:
After approval of Application 1, please submit Application 2 with Supporting Documents directly to the iMOS Office via email, post-mail, or application portal upload.
- The Application 2 PDF will be emailed to you with your step 1 approval.
- You may choose to email a digital PDF of your application, upload to our application portal, or send it via Post.
- You will be informed by e-mail when your application is received.
- If the admissions committee has taken the final decision that you are admitted, you will again be immediately notified by e-mail. An admission letter will be issued and sent to you by post and as a scanned copy by email.
- Please understand that in the event you are rejected, we cannot return your application documents, as we do not charge any application fees. In addition, detailed reasons will be not given in the event of a rejection.
Your Application - 2 must include the following:
- Application Form 2, completed and signed
- 1 passport photo
- Curriculum Vitae
- Certified* copy of high school certificate or equivalent school leaving certificate
- Certified* copy of qualifying academic degree
- Certified* copy of subjects and grades
- A personal statement describing your motivation to apply for the program, include iMOS specific topics, such as perspective research advisors and/or research topics of interest
- Students from India, China, Mongolia, and/or Vietnam: the APS document
will be required for enrollment and pending visa process.
- If you have this document already, please submit it with your application. The foreign educational documents must be evaluated at the home country's German Embassy for authenticity through the Akademische Prüfstelle, APS, e.g. Please plan ahead as, unfortunately, some deadlines are as early as February to be ready for an October program start date. Contact the German Embassy for current information on this and other study requirements in Germany.
- Without this document, you would not be able to enroll at RUB. RUB Enrollment states: "Please note collective APS for other universities are not accepted."
- Any further information that you deem relevant for your application, e.g. Letters of Recommendation, which can be sent from author directly to iMOS by email.
- Proof of English language skills from one of the following:
- Native English speaker
- TOEFL: minimum score 600 points paper-based, 250 computer-based or 100 internet-based; the iMOS Program "Institution Code" is 7657. Please note, this code is not used by any other program.
- IELTS: minimum score 6.0
- Confirmation from your university that you have completed your first degree program in English (ALL lectures and examinations must have been held in English) This may be noted on your transcript or as a separate document.
- Other: German Abitur or for a RUB student, RUB ZFA placement test for students with completed studies in Germany.
- Native English speaker
*A certified copy is a copy of a document that has been affirmed to be a true copy by an authorized person or authority (university, Embassy, Consulate, sworn interpreter etc.).
Upon Application 1 approval, if you do not have some of the above documents yet, please contact us. For example, if you have not yet completed your studies, you may apply with your current enrollment status and transcript documents. Upon admittance, you will need the final degree (the conditional document is acceptable) and transcript in order to enroll at RUB in October.
You do not need to submit a copy of your passport or birth certificate with Application 1 or 2.
If you study in Germany, it is recommended you bring certified copies and/or original documents with you. This includes your birth certificate, which may be needed for job applications. Online enrollment for accepted students requests upload of original documents.
The average time for an admissions decision is 3 weeks, starting with the receipt of the Application 2.
The average time for a decision on the basis of Application 1 (Step 1) is one week.
Funding may be available for top qualified candidates. Please apply early via the regular admissions process outlined above, prior to May 15.
DAAD Scholarship applicants should contact the iMOS Office over a year ahead of time.
Documents will be saved (for admitted students) and shredded and deleted (for non-admitted students) in accordance with the German data protection laws / General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Legally binding information may be found in German. , the Imprint / Impress pages, and Art. 89 GDPR.
Open to German and non-German residents & citizens. All nationalities may apply.
Proof of English skills: for those who completed their high school / Gymnasium studies at a German institution, we can consider an Abitur as proof of comparable skills. There may be other options, such as a RUB / German university language department placement test.
Application process at RUB: This is a "Zulassungsfreie Studiengänge" with "Fakultätseingenes Zulassungsverfahren" study program, meaning barrier free admission with the Faculty's own admission procedure. Applicants to iMOS do not use the RUB central admission online portal "Zulassung". If you are applying to other RUB programs in addition to iMOS, please note that admissions procedure may be different.
Note, however: upon acceptance to IMOS, students will use the RUB central enrolment "Immatrikulation" / "Einschreibung" online portal along with all other RUB students via the Studierendensekretariat / Registrar's Office. This is typically possible online from 15. July - 15. October.
Winter Semester enrollment only.
Contact Us

Montana Petersen
General Coordinator
Raum: ZEMOS 0.99
Telefon: +49 234 - 32 29394
Sprechstunde: Mon - Fri 8 - 12:00
Webseite: iMOS
Ort: for Post Mail: "Ruhr-Universität Bochum, iMOS - Montana Petersen, ZEMOS 0.99, Universitätsstr. 150, 44801 Bochum, Germany"
Ort: Please note: The office will be closed 21. December - 6. January 2025.

iMOS Office
Montana Petersen
Raum: ZEMOS 0.99
Please contact us for
- administrative queries / admissions
- help for admitted students / on-boarding, accommodation, visa, scholarships, navigating RUB, etc.
- advice concerning the course program / electives, who to see if I do not pass the exam
- where should I go for the international course, directions on course equivalencies etc.
- curriculum scheduling

Examination Office
Jacinta Essling-Wintzer
Webseite: Chemie Prüfungsamt
Please contact the Prüfungsamt for
Enrolled Student Assistance with
- transcript requests & records
- final degree paperwork
- 'Statement of Faculty'
- grade submissions for practicals / internships
- What to do if I do not pass the exam?
- thesis documentation including starting and final forms
- diploma requests
- external requests for proof of study/graduation. Note, written permission from the person in question is required.

Program Mentor
Prof. Dr. Poul Petersen
Webseite: Petersen Group / PC II
Telefon Büro: +49 (0)234 / 32-25533
Faculty Mentor during the course program: what if I do not pass the exam, where should I go for the international course, electives, etc.

Student Councelor
Dr. Gerhard Schwaab
Webseite: PC II Contacts Page
Ombudsman for advice from a neutral student counselor